
KEYNOTE SPEAKER ON SUDAN - Youtube - ParadigmShift302

Keynote Speaker on Sudan
Keynote Speaker on Sudan - Youtube subscribe to ParadigmShift302

Discussion on Sudan
north ...
yes there are borders with egypt....
with nine african neighbours open , bounderies , somewhere around 8400 plus km of boundries...
its an enormous responsability for any government to be able to deal with such a country, with such a diversity ....
unfortunately the war is parted with
the transfer of power was not yet realised in Sudan , the war started in August 1955 , and out indepence was Januray 1956

the created an athmosphare the created

called the closed district ....the south the ....mountains , the blue nile area , the called them
the closed district ,

so that altimetly they become time bombs

people fight over land propertiy power that is natural , but its very sad if a war starts before the country is independent ....

in tell yo frankly ...what is happening in DarFur , what is happening in the East
its a reflection of that ...

if you are a rebell you are able to see president Bush ,

the Vice president was not able to see him , that is open intervention ,

Sudan , Angola , Zaire- Kong - South Africa , Nigeria and Egypt
6 countries of Africa , if they are allowed to stabilize , and Africa will stabilize , and en

his enormous market of 800 million consumers , will be only available

this stabilisation ....

the war in africa is because , if we westafrican fail to unite , and we fail in

i ell you no country has been distabilized like Sudan ...

as a former Ambassador , they say you have a war in the Dar Fur and the South ...

for the last seventy years , in countries they are friendly with the us , we have




from the english forum ...

re; Darfurian Roots
.Islam was a state cult in Dar Fur from the 17th century. Most likely , Islam come to Dar Fur from west , because the region was part of the medieval Kanem-Bornu empire , which was formaly Islamic from the 11th century if not earlier . Nilocentric historians have tended to assume that Islam reached Dar Fur from the Nile Valley but there is much evidence to sugges that it is not the case .